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The Best Tinder Icebreakers to Start a Conversation with Confidence

Tinder is a popular dating app. Like any other app, however, there are ways to improve your experience.

While some people may think that Tinder is just for hooking up, it actually has a lot of uses beyond dating.

For example, if you’re looking for a casual date, you can choose a bar or restaurant. However, if you’re looking to meet someone for a serious relationship, you can select a coffee shop or library.

If you’re looking for a way to break the ice with someone on Tinder, then these are some of the best icebreakers that really work!

 It is one of those apps where you swipe right or left depending on whether or not you like what you see. 

20 Best Tinder Icebreakers That Really Work 

Tinder is one of the most popular dating apps out there. If you’re looking for love, it might seem like it’s easy to find someone on the app. You swipe left or right based on whether you think they look good or not, and if you both like each other enough, you get matched up.

But what happens next isn’t always straightforward. Sometimes, even though you’ve found a potential date, they won’t reply to your messages. This could mean that your profile wasn’t attractive enough, or maybe they just weren’t interested. In either case, you don’t want to give up too easily, because sometimes those matches turn into real relationships. So how do you make sure you get a response? Here are 14 icebreakers that really work.

1. “What’s the best thing about being single?”

You’re single, she is single. This is one of the most effective questions to ask to break the ice on Tinder. It’s simple, direct, and will definitely get her talking.

2. Are you currently going through a breakup?

This is another great icebreaker question. When you tell someone you’re going through a breakup, they’ll probably be more open to hearing about their own problems. Plus, it gives them an opportunity to talk about themselves, which makes them feel less awkward.

3. “Do you prefer cats or dogs?”

If his bio says he loves pet, this is an ideal icebreaker to cut through the awkwardness and connect to start an engaging conversation.

4. “What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?”

This is an ideal Tinder icebreakers because it is an open-ended question which can lead to a conversation and more questions.

5. “What’s something you wish you knew when you were younger?”

While this is an icebreaker, you need to be careful so you don’t turn your match away by opening up old wounds that haven’t been healed.

6. “What’s the last movie you saw?”

This is a Tinder icebreaker because it can lead to the start of a lengthy conversation and subsequently something more serious especially if you’re looking for a serious relationship

7. “What’s the first concert you ever went to?”

This is one of the best Tinder icebreakers because it opens up a conversation about music and shows interest in her as well.

8. “Have you ever been married?”

This is another great Tinder icebreaker because it gives you insight into their life and helps you understand them better.

9. “What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever said?”

This is a great Tinder icebreaker because you can use it to show off your sense of humor and also learn more about him.

10. “What’s the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever had?” 

This icebreaker works because it lets you know exactly who you’re dealing with and how they handle situations.

11. “What was the last song you listened to?”

This is a fun icebreaker because it gets you talking about music and shows that you like listening to similar types of songs.

12. “Are you good at making friends?”

This is a very interesting icebreaker because it asks about their social skills. If they say yes, then you know that they’re easygoing and friendly.

13. “What’s your favorite color?”

This is a fun icebreaker that will help you get to know each other better.

14. “What do you think about love at first sight?”

This is a really interesting icebreaker because it will give you insight into whether they believe in love at first sight.

Tips On How To Make The Best Of Tinder

Here are some tips to help you find love on Tinder!

1. Be Polite

It’s common courtesy to say hello before starting a conversation. When you first open the app, you’ll see a message asking if you’d like to connect with others nearby. Tap on the button to accept, decline, or leave it blank.

2. Ask Questions

Ask questions about things you both like and dislike. This shows interest in the other person and makes them feel valued.

3. Be Yourself

It sounds simple but it really doesn’t matter what you look like or how much money you have. What matters is being yourself. When you meet someone on Tinder, you’ll only have 5 seconds to decide if you’d rather swipe right or left. So, you’ve got to be honest and upfront about who you are. Don’t lie about your height, weight, hair color, etc. And don’t pretend to be something you aren’t.

2. Use Photos Wisely

You may think that photos are overrated, but they actually play a big part in making you stand out among others. Using pictures that tell a story is key. For instance, if you were going to a party, you wouldn’t upload a picture of you standing alone in front of a brick wall. Instead, you’d probably choose a photo of you dancing or having fun with friends.

3. Have Fun

Don’t let the fact that you’re looking for love on Tinder turn you into a robot. Try to enjoy yourself and have fun. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, try taking a walk around the block or listening to music. It won’t change your luck but it will give you a little boost of happiness.

4. Match With People Who Are Similar To You

This tip is pretty self explanatory. If you match with someone who is very different from you, you won’t feel comfortable talking to them. But if you match with someone who shares similar interests, hobbies, and values, you’ll feel more confident communicating with them.

5. Check Out Other Users’ Profiles Before Swiping Right

Before swiping right on someone, take a quick glance at their profile. Does it seem like they’re interesting? Do they have lots of likes and comments? Is their bio short and sweet? These questions will help you figure out if you want to talk to them.

6. Keep Your Profile Up-to-Date

Your profile is the first impression you make so make sure it’s accurate. Update your location, job, education, and relationship status. Also, don’t forget to mention any special events or activities you plan on attending.

7. Send Messages Quickly

Once you’ve matched with someone, sending messages quickly is key. Sending too many messages within a short period of time makes you come across as desperate. So, wait until you’ve exchanged several messages before asking for a date.

The Original and Creative Icebreakers

1. Tell A Story About Something Random

If you’re trying to break the ice, telling a random story can do wonders. It gives you an opportunity to show off your personality and share some humor.

2. Talk About The Weather

Weather changes often, which means that we all experience it differently. You could just say “it’s raining” and see where it takes things.

3. Share An Experience From Your Childhood

It’s easy to remember our childhoods, and reminisce about them. So, if you meet someone who was born in the same year as you, you can share memories from your past.

4. Talk About What You Like To Do In Your Free Time

Free time is something that most people look forward to after work. So, if you’re both free during the day, why not chat about what you like to do?

5. Talk About Your Favorite TV Show

You may be surprised by how much you actually have in common with someone else. So, if you both watch the same shows, you can start comparing notes.

6. Talk About Your Favorite Movie

Talking about movies is also a great way to bond with someone. Plus, it’s fun to compare your favorites!

7. Talk About Your Favorite Band Or Artist

Talking about music is another great way to connect with someone. And, since everyone has their own favorite bands or artists, you can easily compare notes.

8. Talk About Your Favorite Food

Food is always a good topic to bring up. You can talk about your favorite foods.

9. Talk About Your Favorite Place

Another great way to bond with people is talking about places you love. If you both enjoy traveling, you can talk about your trips.

10. Talk About Your Favorite Sport

Sports are another great topic to discuss. Whether you like football, basketball, baseball, or hockey, you’ll find plenty of people who share your interest. It is an original icebreaker.

Cheesy Icebreakers On Tinder You Should Never Use

Ask For Their Number

This one should go without saying, but it’s important to note that this isn’t a good idea. While it might seem harmless, it comes across as creepy.

Tell Them How Much They Look Like Someone Famous

While this is a cute icebreaker, it’s best avoided. This will only lead to awkwardness.

Ask Where They Live

While it’s nice to know where someone lives, it doesn’t mean you need to ask for their address.

Ask How Many Kids Someone Has

This is a very personal question, so make sure you don’t ask too many questions.

Ask Rude/Weird Questions

Do not ask cheesy questions like this, “How many people would you be willing to sleep with in order to win $10 million?” “Have you ever had sex while watching TV?”

You don’t wanna end up chasing your match with a question like this.

Icebreaker GIFs

To increase your chance of getting a response from someone on Tinder, use GIFs.

Messages containing GIFs are 30 percent more likely to receive a reply than messages without them. Gifs also help keep lines of dialogues open with matches. On average, conversations containing GIFs last twice as long as they would without them.

It was only recently added to Tinder as it has only been available for less than two months. However, 20 million GIFs have been shared on the app.

Here are some gifs for inspiration


4 Tinder Pickup Lines That Will Actually Get You a Date

Tinder Pickup Lines Template #1: Fun Fact

Most women online have an extremely high sense of caution when dealing with strangers online. Sharing random fun facts via your Tinder pickup line can be refreshingly disarming and also show that you’re fun, approachable, a thinker.


You: I see you’re interested in cooking…Did you hear that chewing gum while cutting an onion keeps you from crying? It’s a game changer! It doesn’t really help much, but the chewing technique definitely works. What’re your favourite things to cook?

Tinder Pickup Lines Template #2: Neutral Opinion

Don’t just say “Hey” and then leave it at that. You might just be waiting for a long time.

You don’t need to be formal when using Tinder. Just dive right into a conversation by asking them about something they’ve recently thought about, or a new interest they’ve just started.

Keep these initial questions light and non-political. You might lose out on a good match if you appear too intense right away.

Tinder Pickup Lines Template #3: Pointed Question

“How‘s your day?” is not an intriguing inquiry to reply to, particularly from a new acquaintance. Such Tinder pick-up messages place the burden on the individual responding to be fascinating and raise the discussion. In contrast, begin with a novel query about her interests via your own Tinder pick-up message. She’ll appreciate that you’re inquisitive concerning her opinions and ideas.

You could even ask one of these question in your Tinder bio, which would make people want to start a conversation with you.


You: Would you prefer not to ever use social media again or not to see any movies or TV shows?

Meghan: LOL! Damn…I’d have to choose no social media.

Tinder Pickup Lines Template #4: Photo Reference

This Tinder pickup line involves saying something specific about one of their pictures.

Girls love a man who pays attention to them. However, if he comments too often on their appearance, it may seem creepy or desperate.

Instead, ask about something they did in their photo, which shows you’re interested in them as a person and not just banging babe


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