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The Ultimate Guide to Getting More Likes on Hinge: Free or Paid?

  • 5 min read
  • Mark 

How Many Likes Can You Get Per Day on Hinge: A Guide for Free and Paid Users

 Hinge is a type of dating app that lets you browse profiles and send messages to other users on the app. 

The sending-like feature is one of the most important features of the app.

You can send a message with a like, you can match with others with likes, and you can discover profiles who liked yours. 

But Hinge limits the likes you can send per day (on the free version, at least)


How Many Likes Can You Get Per Day On Hinge?

As mentioned above, Hinge limits the number of likes you can send per day. 

Each free version member gets up to 8 daily likes. 

Again, that is for the free version of the app. 

Moreover, if your hinge profile is made good, then you can also receive handsome numbers of likes on the hinge per day. We have also written an article about how to make a good hinge profile, you should read it to learn more about it.

What about the premium users or members of Hinge Preferred?

How Many Likes Can You Get Per Day On Hinge Preferred?

Hinge Preferred members can send as many likes per day as they want and can.

They are entitled to an unlimited number of likes.

It’s one of the perks of the paid plan or membership. 

How Much For Unlimited Likes On Hinge?

Hinge Membership Plans

  • 1 Month: $39.99 per month
  • 3 Months: $79.99 ($26.66 per month)
  • 6 Months: $119.99 ($19.99 per month)

Advanced features included:

  • Unlimited like compared to 8 daily likes on the free version
  • See every current like in one view instead of checking each one and seeing only recent ones
  • Unlock the advanced preferences and filter more specifically
  • Get access to Hinge experts

Does The Daily Free Like On Hinge Stack?

No, the daily free likes on the free version won’t roll over to the following days to give you additional likes.

You can’t stack and save likes for later.

Instead, you will get another batch of 8 likes when the likes reset daily.

When Do Hinge Likes Reset?

Hinge daily free likes will reset every 4:00 am in your local time. 

This is for free version users only. Hinge preferred members don’t have to worry about this because they get unlimited likes.

Should You Pay For Extra Hinge Likes? Is it Worth It?

It’s not like you can’t use the app without paying. If you can use it for free, why pay?

You can use other features of Hinge to make the most out of the 8 daily likes you have to make them efficient. 

One of the advantages of Hinge over other dating apps is that it offers more basic filters, even on the free version. 

You can utilize those to filter the users and find the ones to use your “likes” more intently on. 

If you’re picky, 8 likes per day may even be plenty of likes for you.

Using dating apps with limits like this forces you to act more earnestly, which could benefit you in the long term more than random shallow interactions. 

The more you match with, the more confused you may be.

If you’re looking for a long-term serious relationship, matching and interacting with many people may make it harder for you.

However, having no limits in liking may increase the number of matches you get and may make finding someone faster. 

If you’re also using other dating platforms like Bumble Tinder, you may not need unlimited likes. 

It depends on your personal dating adventure situation.

In the first place,

Why Does Hinge Limit Your Likes?

One reason Hinge limits your likes is because they’re a business, first and foremost. 

Limiting your likes incentivizes the upgrade to a premium membership so they can get paid. 

Another reason for the daily limits is to make you use the likes more intently, as mentioned above. 

Hinge prefers to be called a “relationship app” rather than an online dating app.

They aim to help with deeper relationships rather than just casual dating or hookups. If helping you achieve a serious relationship means limiting your likes, then that’s what they do.

Aside from likes, how else can you interact with users on Hinge?

Send Roses Instead Of Likes

Sending roses on Hinge is more powerful than likes. A rose means you really really like the potential match you found. 

Sending a rose will give your profile priority placement in your potential match’s feed.

That means your profile will shop up at the top of their Likes You feed. 

Hinge members will get one free Rose every week.

Unlike the likes, you can buy roses as extras without having to subscribe to a plan. 

How Much Are Roses On Hinge?

If you’re serious about finding a serious relationship, roses may be a better option for you rather than unlimited likes.

They will let your potential match know that you’re really into them – with a price.

Rose Prices

  • 1 Rose: $3.99
  • 6 Roses: $19.99 ($3.33 each)
  • 12 Roses: $29.99 ($2.49 each)

Do Rose On Hinge Expire?

Purchased roses won’t expire. You can take your time and use them wisely. 

However, the one free weekly rose will expire. They will not roll over to the following week. You will still have one rose by next week, even if you don’t use the one for this week.  

Final Words

Whether paying for more likes or roses on Hinge depends on your intentions or goal for using Hinge.

If you want to have a more serious relationship with deeper connections rather than casual dating and have the patience to wait for the one, you may not need the unlimited likes feature. 

But if you want to make things faster, having no limits might benefit you in some way.

Either way, use your likes wisely, and we’re sure it’ll turn into love.

Best of luck!



Mark is a Qualified Psychologist & An Algorithm Coach at some of the leading online dating sites. Besides his work, Mark enjoys writing about topics people tend to ask when starting out in the online dating scene, and hence the site A place to share insights and answer some of those pressing questions.View Author posts

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